I promised a review...
So here it is.
Gripe #1: Using the numbers, the arrow keys, and the mouse for the controls may be fine for some people, but unfortunately I don't have three hands.
Gripe #2: When you're on the equip screen, if you click on the different options, you open windows on top of each other. I'd prefer it if they replaced each other. It's a minor thing, but a gripe none the less.
Gripe #3: If the bandits are carrying a healing potion, the wouldn't they USE it rather than die?? That's a universal rpg thing that has always bugged me.
Awesomeness #1: So many weapons and armor and such! yay!
Awesomeness #2: Cool decapitations! yay!
Awesomeness #3: Good graphics! yay!
Awesomeness #4: Save feature! yay!
I've only played for about half an hour, I'll have to come back and play some more later. Cheers!